On Monday 19 October 2020, Ahmed bin Muhammad Military College (ABMMC) hosted a conference under the title “ABMMC’s Academic and Military Programs: Complementarity and Interconnectedness”, given by Dr Khaled Al-Khatir, the Dean of Academic Affairs at ABMMC. The event was attended by His Excellency Major General Hamad bin Ahmed Al- Nuaimi, Deputy Chief of Staff for Education and Training, as well as the commandant of Ahmed bin Mohamed Military College, the Brigadier General Abd Al-Hadi Muhammad Trihib Al-Hajiri, the Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Abdulmalik Boularas, senior officers, faculty members and administrative staff. The focus of the presentation was centered around ABMMC’s integrative approach which consists of maintaining a relationship of complementarity and interconnectedness between the various academic and military programs offered by the College. This approach is grounded in the mission of the College; namely, to prepare cadets to become officers that are highly qualified both in the academic and military field. In light of this vision, graduates of ABMMC are equipped with the military competence, intellectual knowledge, and leadership skills to fulfil their duty in the Qatari Army. The conference ended with a discussion session between the attendees, where different participants were given the opportunity to express their views according to their different areas of expertise.