Submission guidelines

Submission Guidelines

We invite prospective attendees to share their knowledge and practical experience by either participating as an audience member and/or by contributing their research to the 2023 ISOMA. If you plan to submit an abstract and a full-text manuscript for consideration at the symposium, you are kindly requested to adhere to the following guidelines:


• The official languages of the symposium are Arabic and English. Accordingly, abstracts, manuscripts, and associated materials can be written in either language.
• Abstracts and manuscripts should be submitted in the format of MS Word (.doc or .docx) document.
• Unless otherwise indicated, please follow the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition) when formatting a document (an abstract or a manuscript).
• Non-standard terms and acronyms should be stated out in full at first mention within the abstract and manuscript text and followed by the abbreviated form in parentheses.
• Scientific names must be shown in Italics.
• Authors must use a 12-point font, 1-inch margins (2.5 cm), and double-spacing. The title of the submission should be in bold type, uppercase letters and center aligned. Primary headings should be in bold with all capital letters, while secondary headings should be in bold with the first letter of each word capitalized. Tertiary headings are not bolded but italicized text, with the same capitalization rules for secondary headings.
• Authors are requested to provide their respective given names, initials (if any), and surnames. Each author is entered on a separate line. The name of the presenting author should be in bold. Please utilize Arabic numeral superscripts to point to affiliations below. Superscripts should be positioned to the right of each author name.
• Please indicate only the email address of the presenter after the list of affiliations. One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author with a superscript asterisk.
• All submissions will be peer-reviewed and assessed based on originality, depth, and relevance to the symposium’s main topic and thematic tracks.
• Successfully submitted documents will be acknowledged with a receipt within three working days. The acknowledgement email will contain a submission reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence.
• Documents that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned for further revision.
• Documents that are received after a given deadline will not be considered unless the deadline is extended.


• An abstract is a thorough one-paragraph description of the body of a research study, including its background, aims, methodology, findings, and conclusion.
• Please choose one to three of the symposium’s thematic tracks that are most pertinent to your abstract. The scientific committee, however, reserves the right to assign submissions to the most applicable track as necessary.
• If the work is still under way and a brief statement of results or conclusions would be premature, the abstract may highlight the analyses to be conducted and how they are expected to address the research issues.
• Abstract text is limited to 250 words.
• A list of up to 5 keywords, best describing the main subject of the manuscript, should appear at the very end of the abstract. Keywords are separated by semicolons.
• The inclusion of subheadings, bullets, header/footer, tables, figures, or graphs is not allowed in the abstract.
• Authors are highly urged to keep abstract titles as concise but descriptive as possible. Informative titles that feature primary points are encouraged. The title should not contain any abbreviations.
• On a separate page, the abstract document should include a 100-150-word narrative biography for each author. Bios must be presented in paragraph form rather than bullet points.
• Prior to being accepted, abstracts will undergo peer review for content and relevance to the symposium’s theme and topics.
• Deadline for abstract submission is February 24, 2023.


• Authors whose Abstracts have been accepted for presentation are kindly requested to submit a full-length manuscript before June 9, 2023.
• Accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings, which will be made available online.
• The word count of a manuscript should not exceed 5000 words, excluding tables, figures, endnotes, footnotes, and biographies.
• Figures, graphs, and tables should be placed where they would ideally appear in the printed text. Please submit figures and graphs in the highest possible resolution.
• Tables should be created within the Microsoft Word document, should fit onto one A4 page and should be numbered and captioned below the table, center aligned.
• Use only portrait layout. Do not include any pages in landscape layout.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Walid Ahmed – The Academic Dean’s Office, ABMMC– at the following e-mail