Articles in Arabic Language: “Immunisation of Qatari Citizenship Decisions: Constitutional Validity and Its Effects” Dr. Hassan Abdul Rahim Al-Sayed “ Protection of related rights under Qatari Law No. 7 of 2002 «A comparative study»” Dr. Mohamed El Sayed Fares “The effect of Organizational Immune Systems on Crisis Management Strategies: Testing the Mediating Role of Strategic Information Systems “A Field Study on Jordanian Food Industry Companies”.” Dr. Ahmed Ali Salih & Othman Riyadh Abdul-Majeed “ Book review: The Falsification of History: In Response to Benjamin Netanyahu›s book “a place among nations”.” Dr.Ahmed Abdul Wahid Al Zandani Articles in English Language:“ Students’ Perceptions of Internet Banking: A Survey Study in Qatar?” – Dr. Ala Aljanabi Full text Research SummaryDownload the whole issue