Scope and Objectives

The Scientific Journal of Ahmed bin Mohammed Military College (SJABMMC) is a platform for the exchange of ideas, theories, and research findings between scientists, researchers, teachers, and practitioners in the academic fields related to ABMMC’s areas of specializations.

Its objectives include:

  • Publishing innovative and peer-reviewed research in the fields of international relations, law, management, accounting, and computer science.
  • Publishing translated research that addresses topics related to the journal’s areas of specialization.
  • Fostering scientific cooperation between the Journal and other Arab and international researchers and scientists within the journal’s areas of specialization.
  • Encouraging Arab and international researchers to conduct innovative research.
  • Promoting scientific contribution and adherence to robust principles of scientific methodology.
  • Contributing to the dissemination of knowledge in the fields of international relations, law, management, accounting, and computer science.
  • Publishing special issues on specific topics addressing topics related to the journal’s areas of specialization and interest.
  • Welcoming feedback and suggestions from Arab and international researchers and scientists to help contribute to the advancement of scientific research and the development of the journal.
  • Enhancing the intended benefit of research publication by giving access to the journal issues on the journal’s website and by ensuring that the website is regularly updated.
  • The Journal is specialized in the academic fields related to ABMMC’s areas of specializations. These include:
  1. International relations
  2. Law
  3. Management
  4. Business administration
  5. Accounting
  6. Computer science
  7. Computer Information Systems
  8. Data Bases
  9. Information Technology (IT).
  10. Internet and e-commerce